
1/35 黑豹坦克场景--进攻前的清晨


这件作品是 Mirko Bayerl 大师制作的,表现的是1945年3月驻扎在巴拉顿湖和韦伦斯湖附近的德国党卫军希特勒青年团装甲师装备的豹G及掷弹兵在清晨准备发动进攻的场景。按照作者的介绍:这件场景作品表现的是坦克和掷弹兵们正在为黎明即将到来的混战做准备,他们缺乏足够的食物和休息,饥饿、疲惫、寒冷和泥泞的路面使得他们不仅要与苏军作战,还要跟恶劣的环境作战。希望你能够在这件场景作品中感受到寒冷,潮湿和浓雾,在接收到新的命令以后,他们塞到嘴里一片面包,喝一口匈牙利Palinka之后,就消失在浓雾中了。原文:

Im Morgengrauen vor dem Angriff - Ungarn , März 1945

After the heavy losses for the 12.SS.Pz.Div in Normandy and the Ardennen battle in Dec 1944 the division was significant reduced both in manpower and firepower. In January 1945 it was quickly filled up with new recruits, many from former Marine , LW and etnic Germans from areas in eastern Europe. The time to rest and lick it wounds was short and soon it was order to move eastwards and to the Eastern front for the first time. In Mid Feb 1945 the German started the Operation Südwind in Hungary and here the I.SS.Pz.Korps with LSSAH and HJ was the main forces - That operation was classified as one of the last German offensive that acctually fullfilled its mission and throwed the Soviet Army over the Gran Bridge head. This operation was in fact a preoperation for the very last large scale offensive by the Germans in the war - code name : Frühlingserwachen ( springawakening ) . That was meant to be a topsecret operation and the Germans devertad troops to confuse the Allied Intelligence - as they thought - by sending troops to other areas. But the Soviets understood when taken prisoners at Gran offensive that the German commando was preparing a largescale offensive in Hungary but didnt know exactely where. And during end of Feb. the Soviets was building miles of trenches and fortifications between the Balaton Lake and Velence Lake and expecting the offensive would start there.And they were right . At the 6 of march the 12.SS was on place (partly) but was order to start on. One unit of SS.Pz. Gren.Rgt 26 started up from Kislang and was ordered to move south. The German troops was exhausted after the intence battles lately and the first goal was a mansion - Ödön Puszta - and it was extremely difficult to conquer that area while the soviets had very solid trenchsystems - up to three lines in depth. The young SS soldiers of 12.SS tryed three times to fullfill that mission and finally with support of tanks they managed to take - Ödön Puszta and the losses on both sides was enomerous.
I have here created a "scene" from that battle and the Tankers and Grenadiers are preparing for another assult in the early dawn - little sleep , hungry, exhausted, cold and the extreme mud made them not only to fight the Soviet Army but also the circumstances a war has. Hope you can feel the cold , wet and fog in this early morning scene ...activity and new targets was the order...piece of bread and a gulp of Hungarian Palinka...and off it goes !!! 






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